Registration Fee

The following registration fee applies:

The registration fee includes coffee/tea breaks, lunches and dinners during the conference (December 16-19, including the banquet on December 17), and the dinner on December 15.

For people who have Alipay or WeChat Pay set up, please scan the following QR code to complete the payment. Descriptions about the payment page are provided below for people who cannot read Chinese.

Payment QR Code Descriptions about the Payment Page
Payment QR Code Descriptions about the Payment Page. Please click here for a larger picture.

Foreign participants are encouraged to set up the mobile payment and pay the registration fee via the QR code above. Check out the following pages for how to set up Alipay and WeChat Pay:

For people who need to do the business-to-business transfer (公对公转账), please transfer the money to the following business account:


For people who can only pay via credit card or cash, the registration fee will be collected at the front desk during reception. However, participants are encouraged to complete the payment via the online method in order to avoid the long queue.

Registration fees are non-refundable.

Pre-registration: Aug 1-31

Abstract Submission: Sep 10--Oct 20

Formal Registration: Nov 1--Nov 20